Transferring Your Claim

Anna Lane

July 16, 2024

Help! I want to transfer my claim...

Imagine this; you've had an accident a few months ago and started treatment at a clinic that your friend recommended. You've been attending massage therapy treatments, physiotherapy, and chiropractic treatments week after week. Although you've been keeping up with appointments diligently, making time to drive back and forth from this clinic, you don't feel like you're getting any better. Your muscles ache after massage, you don't feel as though your physiotherapist is helping, and honestly, the cracking of your neck from your chiropractor is making things worse. You've been told that once you start treatment at this clinic, you MUST stay with this clinic, or else ICBC will cut off your treatments. You know that your body is still healing and that attending treatments should help, but you don't think that the practitioners at this clinic are helping with your recovery in the way you need them to be.

How do you escape this situation?

If you related to this scenario in any way, there is a way for you to get the help you need, without giving up your access to treatments.

Steps for Success

  1. Find a new clinic - Finding a new place to continue your health and wellness journey can be one of the most difficult steps. We suggest speaking to friends or family who have attended other clinics to understand the pros and cons of different locations, researching other's experiences through google reviews, and sending emails or making phone calls to potential new clinics to find out if they are willing to take new ICBC clients who already have an existing claim. We suggest asking specific questions that can help you understand how potential new practitioners will treat you in comparison to those from your old clinic. For example, if you find that the massage therapist is digging into your shoulder with too much force, despite numerous attempts to ask him to lighten the pressure, ask the new clinic if their massage therapists can use lighter and more gentle techniques during your sessions such as stretch massage or cross-fiber massage.
  1. Ask to transfer - Once you have found a clinic that can accommodate your needs and accept you as a new patient, it's time to request a transfer. First, the new clinic will request a transfer on your behalf by contacting ICBC's recovery department, or your adjustor, if you have one. This will require a treatment plan to be submitted to request new treatments to be approved for you at this new clinic. ICBC will want to know why you are transferring your treatments, so we suggest being as honest and open as possible. If you find that the clinic you are currently attending is unable to accommodate your work schedule's hours, if the practitioners are not helping with your recovery, or if the clinic is too far away and you are finding yourself feeling fatigued from driving back and forth, let the new clinic know so that they can give specific descriptions of your perspective and needs.
  1. Be open to communication - Because transferring clinics is not a common occurrence, there may be some additional communication involved in the process. We recommend keeping your line of communication open as possible throughout this process. Your adjustor at ICBC may want to reach you, the clinic may have additional questions, and there may be emails forwarded to you with inquiries about your condition. The more information you can give, the smoother this transfer will go.
  1. Attend your new clinic - The new clinic should reach out to you once they hear back with a decision from ICBC. You can start booking appointments as soon as they give you the green light. While some adjustors or ICBC recovery specialists will approve an initial session for treatments at your new clinic, others may want you to only book subsequent visits. You can work with the front desk or your practitioners to ensure that you are booking the correct type of treatments.

Top Transfer Tips

  • Stick with one clinic at a time - Although transferring your claim is possible, bouncing back and forth between clinics is not permitted by ICBC. If you are unsure of your practitioner, we recommend trying a couple more treatments with the same practitioner to fully determine if their methods are benefiting you. Remember, healing doesn't happen overnight! Sometimes, it can take multiple sessions for you to see improvement. If you are sure that your practitioner is not right for you but you don't want to switch clinics just yet, try inquiring if there are other practitioners at the same clinic under the same umbrella who you could try.
  • Be honest with your practitioners - your relationship with your treatments is a continuing work-in-progress. The styles of treatment that worked well for you in the beginning may not work for you as you heal from your injuries. If you find that you are unsure of your progress or the techniques being used, do not be afraid to speak up! Ask your practitioners questions about how different techniques, tools, and machines are benefiting your recovery. If something is too painful, or barely noticeable, let your practitioner know so that you can work together to create a path to recovery that optimally benefits you. Sometimes switching clinics is the answer, but open and honest communication with your practitioner can also help.

If you have any questions about transferring your claim, give us a call at 604-273-7164. At Evolve Therapeutic, we are committed to providing quality care after your accident and answering any questions you have about your treatments!

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